The artwork and content contained on this website (this site) is copyrighted and protected under the Copyright Laws of the United States of America. Any unauthorized use of text, graphics, photos, or any components of this website can result in legal action against the party or parties involved.

Visual Appearance Explained

I apologize for having to add my logo and web address to every single image on this site. Unfortunately, I have been given no other choice as I have found numerous violations of out-right stealing of my images and copyright violations throughout the web.

It can be very frustrating to realize that all your hard work is just a click away for someone to copy and claim for their own, but that is the world we live in.

Please excuse the graphics applied to my images. I’m only adding them out of necessity and will try my best to make them as small and least obtrusive as possible.

I deeply appreciate your understanding!

Demos and Non-Profit Organizations

If you are a not-for-profit individual or organization performing a woodturning demonstration and you would like to share text, graphics, or photos from this site in your presentation, you may do so under the following conditions.

Permission may be granted for each specific use and is limited to each specified event or occurrence. Use of any approved materials must cease after the event, presentation, or specified time span.

Commercial Artwork Usage

If you would like to use any text, graphics, photographs, or any components from this website for commercial use, contact me at kw (at) in advance to negotiate terms.

Artwork may be licensed for use based on your needs, however any use of elements from this site without prior written consent will be deemed as unauthorized use.

I will be happy to work with you to provide text, artwork, or photographs to meet your needs and provide a written estimate and contract details for the usage terms of the elements you request.

Example of Usage Violation

The Oregon Woodturning Symposium organizers or venders, without consent or approval, downloaded this bowl gouge graphic from the detailed article on this site about bowl gouges vs. spindle gouges.

Bowl Gouge vs Spindle Gouge Tip Shape
Bowl Gouge vs Spindle Gouge Tip Shape

The bowl gouge image above was manipulated to create the number 3 on the cover of the 2019 Oregon Woodturning Symposium guide. This cover design is derived from the above artwork owned by this website and is an actionable violation of the copyright laws.

As a fellow woodturner, who happened to be at this symposium, this issue has now been resolved amicably. Please contact me prior to any use of artwork or content to avoid this type of situation. Thank you.