How To Sharpen A Chainsaw – Illustrated Guide

How do I sharpen a chainsaw? A chainsaw blade can be sharpened by hand using an appropriate sized round file. Each tooth needs to be filed sharp by incorporating a few different techniques for sharpening. There are numerous ways to sharpen chainsaw teeth, but hand sharpening is the quickest and easiest method. Learning how to […]
How To Shape A New Bowl Gouge Profile (Change, Reshape, Adjust)

Each bowl gouge angle and profile has a different use and function. You will need to shape your new bowl gouge to fit your needs. When you get your first new bowl gouge, and if you’re new to turning, you might think, “so this is the bowl gouge profile grind I should be using.” Not […]
40-40 Bowl Gouge Grind (Shape, Sharpen, Use)

The 40/40 bowl gouge grind is a straightforward and useful tool for wood bowl turners and worth trying out. What is a 40/40 bowl gouge grind? A 40/40 bowl gouge grind refers to the angles incorporated in the specific sharpening process for this gouge. The bowl gouge bevel angle of the 40/40 grind is 40-degrees, […]
7 Valuable Glenn Lucas Gems – Wood Bowl Turning Wisdom
Glenn Lucas is a genuine wood bowl turning professional. And it seems when he isn’t turning bowls, he’s teaching people the skills needed to perfect the craft. From his home in Ireland, Glenn conducts woodturning workshops. And between turning and teaching, he travels the world sharing his skills everywhere he goes, with his camera in […]
Scraper Sharpening Guide (Bevel Angle, Burr, How To)
Scraper sharpening, of all the woodturning tools, is probably the easiest tool to sharpen. But there are a few details to be aware of during the sharpening process. How do I sharpen a scraper woodturning tool? The front bevel edge needs to be sharpened at a precise angle and should get the most attention during […]
3 Ways Sharpen OneWay Cutter Tip Easy-Core Coring System
The cutter tip for the OneWay Easy-Core Coring System is a mighty cutting dynamo that needs to be sharpened frequently. How do you sharpen the OneWay Easy-Core Cutter tip? There are a few ways to sharpen the OneWay Easy-Core Cutter. You can sharpen by hand with a diamond hone, or there are a couple ways […]
Wolverine Vari-Grind Jig – Illustrated Guide Bowl Gouge Sharpening
When I first got my Oneway Wolverine Vari-Grind System, adjusting the Wolverine Vari-Grind Jig was confusing. After doing some research, I learned how to make the Wolverine Vari-Grind Jig work for a variety of bowl gouge sharpening grinds. So how do you adjust the Wolverine Vari-Grind Jig? Three variables need to be set to make […]
Vari-Grind Jig Setup Oneway Wolverine Sharpening System
Vari-Grind jig setup is easy and straightforward, but a couple key factors must be addressed before sharpening a bowl gouge. When the Vari-Grind Jig Setup arrives, it is not ready to immediately use. A properly adjusted base needs to be created. This base may be portable or fixed to a work surface. Why Vari-Grind You […]
Bowl Gouge Sharpening Techniques Step by Step
Bowl gouge sharpening techniques are really the first thing that needs to be learned when turning wood bowls. Why? Because without a sharp bowl gouge turning wood bowls is not easy. As the saying goes, “An almost sharp bowl gouge will almost cut wood.” Another reason bowl gouge sharpening techniques need to come first is, […]
Bowl Gouge Sharpening Angles – Surprise Answer
What is the best bowl gouge sharpening angle? The “right” bowl gouge angle depends on your personal preference. The gouge bevel angle will determine how you stand, maneuver the tool, and how you create each cut on the lathe. Multiple gouges each with different bevel grind angles can be utilized in different turning situations. Like […]