Tree to Bowl Online eCourse

If you’re like me, you’ve had people come up to you and say things like, “I have some logs,” or “our neighbor is taking down a tree. Do you want it?” Your first thought might be, “YES, I WANT IT!” But then come all the questions: I can tell you, I’ve been there and I’ve […]
Wood Bowl Turning Start-To-Finish Online Ecourse

I bet you have dreamed about making a certain type of bowl! As woodturners, we all have and usually continue to imagine the next bowls we’ll make. In your mind, you can clearly see the bowl you want to make. What’s keeping you from making your perfect bowl? Lack of knowledge Nobody to show you […]
Tool Sharpening eCourse – for Wood Bowl Turning
Tool Sharpening eCourse for wood bowl turning is the place you need to be to finally understand everything necessary to sharpen your turning tools with ease, also to understand, why, when, and how to make your tools work best for you. Are you tired of not knowing for sure how to sharpen that gouge? What […]