Courses, Resources, and Articles to Help YOU Create the Bowls You Imagine!
I love sharing the excitement and passion of Woodturning Bowls!
Helping You Turn the Wood Bowls of Your Dreams, at your lathe, is my goal!
Enjoy the whole process of wood bowl turning.
Happy Turning!
I finished the online TREE to BOWL course. Didn't expect to learn so much at my age. Thank you for this course. Cheers!
This was a great learning lesson. Kent you are very knowledgable and an excellent teacher and presenter. To be honest my first thought before taking this was "why should I pay for this when I can get hours of Kent for free on Youtube?" To anyone else out there asking the same question my answer is; YES, THE COURSE IS WORTH IT! Thank you Kent!
This is a series of classes that I wish were available back when I started. You are filling a big hole in information and guidance on turning.
I appreciate how the course is set up in "chapters." Great job making clear, concise videos that really illustrate what we need to see up close.
Just finished the course (and my first ever bowl)!! Great course and I will recommend it to anyone that will listen (and probably a few that won’t listen LOL). I find myself going back to sections often and picking up on some subtle points that I missed. Every time I learn a little more and I’m starting to get the hang of it. I agree – practice is everything. Best wishes, I am also taking the course on sharpening and will sign up right away for the course on harvesting green wood.
BUY IT and watch and rewatch. Overall very informative and very well done.
I would suggest that before jumping into bowl turning, the first tool to get would be this Tool Sharpening course. I kind of stumbled around when it came to sharpening, I read some books from AAW as well as watching YouTube. THIS Tool Sharpening Course would have saved me a lot of time and confusion. Great course and well worth the money!
I am a visual person and none of the bowl making dvd's I bought covered the material from start to finish without making assumptions the steps they skipped were vital to my grasp of the process. THEN I FOUND THIS BOWL TURNING COURSE. I followed it from beginning to end and it is without a doubt the most comprehensive and complete course I found. Thank you for taking the time to make it available to everyone. I am finally making bowls.
"This course makes me more comfortable with the gouge. Had it been available when I first started I would have saved money and a lot of frustration. A new turner will find this course a good prerequisite to the bowl turning course."
I heard and read sharpening the bowl gouge was hard to learn. I found that to be so true for me. So I purchased "Tool Sharpening" and followed the step by step instructions and shaped and sharpened my gouges. I found the instructions very clear. I recommend this course to you as I think this will speed up your progress and make your turning journey more pleasant.
Hi, I'm Kent!
I’m a husband, dad, papa, artist, woodturner and I’m addicted. I’m addicted to making wood bowls! Of course, I’m saying this jokingly, but it really is true. The only thing that I’ve found better than turning wood bowls is sharing how to turn wood bowls with others. I’m so glad you are here!
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