Wood Bowl Turning – ONLINE COURSE
Learn everything you need to turn wood bowls with this interactive online course!
• Includes 27+ Video Lessons
• Over 3 Hours and 45 Minutes of Total Video Instruction
• Easy to Find Lessons
• Interactive Input
• Expanding Content
• Videos Closed Captioned (English)
• 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
(if less than 20% of course reviewed)
Want to learn more? Click here
Jen (verified owner) –
Kent, a huge note of thanks for the spectacular bowl turning lessons! As an educator of over 30 years, I would like to compliment you on your videos, articles, links… Plus, your recently updated supply list is a superb site, it’s easy to manipulate and very well curated.
I’m very passionate about learning and thanks to you, I’ve turned some exquisite bowls. As a matter of fact, when I finished Bowl #5, I removed the tenon with the lathe on! It was exhilarating!
I purchased my first course, Wood Bowl Turning, on June 15th and began turning June 21. Before I began my husband suggested that I number all the bowl blanks and continue to use them in chronological order for each new lesson. My skills grew with each step and we could see it in a truly concrete manner.
Thank you for sharing your gifts and sparking a passion in me that will last a lifetime.
Hartwell85 –
Excellent course. Not only did you do a great job showing how to make the cuts, but you shared many details that help a new turner better understand the process. I gained a good skill set and confidence to get me started in bowl turning. Reviewing certain lessons again will help hone my skills. Now I can start turning the bowl stock I have acquired without fear of making firewood out of them.
Michael Fuchs –
I was pretty comfortable with my bowl turning, but having watched some of Kent’s free videos I came to see enormous value in his advanced experience and knowledge. I have learned a lot in this course, reinforced some knowledge, learned some great tips, and corrected some mistakes I had let creep in. Trust me, this course is worth every penny, particularly when you realize you can post questions in the comments to each lesson and Kent replies to them all. That’s wonderful support.
John Kryston (verified owner) –
Dear Kent,
I have completed the Turn a Wood Bowl course and finished 9 bowls. Over my many years of woodworking I finally decided to take up lathe turning. Your course is outstanding! Even an old fella like me can achieve success thanks to your detailed instruction both verbally and visually. It has been a pleasure to learn with you in the comfort and familiarity of my home shop. I look forward to your additional courses.
Many thanks !
Peter –
Other than Kent’s great YouTube presentations, “Wood Bowl Turning” was my first TurnAWoodBowl course. I was extremely happy with the entire detailed content.
The course is professionally produced both audibly and visually (great camera work). Kent is not just a presenter,
he is a teacher with great communication skills. I have reviewed this course and have also enrolled in Kent’s other three.
I guess that’s a 100% endorsement if there ever is one! And, in addition, Kent has a pleasant, all-around, nice personality.
I am looking forward for more to come.
Peter –
Other than Kent’s great YouTube presentations, “Wood Bowl Turning” was my first TurnAWoodBowl course. I was extremely happy with the entire detailed content.
The course is professionally produced both audibly and visually (great camera work). Kent is not just a presenter,
he is a teacher with great communication skills. I have reviewed this course and have also enrolled in Kent’s other three.
I guess that’s a 100% endorsement if there ever is one! And, in addition, Kent has a pleasant, all-around, nice personality.
I am extremely happy with TurnAWoodBowl content and looking forward to more.
Art Staden (verified owner) –
I took a local 3-day in-person woodturning course, which I enjoyed greatly. I had scheduled it to coincide with the projected arrival of my lathe. Unfortunately, due to supply chain issues, my lathe didn’t arrive for 8 more months. By the time it arrived I had forgotten everything I learned and I was intimidated to use my new lathe on my own with nobody looking over my shoulder. A member of the local woodturning club recommended TurnAWoodBowl as a great place for learning turning. I checked it out and decided to take the Wood Bowl Turning course. I’m so glad I did. Kent leads you through turning a bowl from start to finish. He covers every detail in a methodical, easy to follow presentation. He shows how to prepare the workpiece, how to stand, how to hold the gouge, how to move the body, how to apply the tip to the wood, how to adjust the tip and the handle as the cut proceeds, and much, much more. He shows what to do and what NOT to do. He presents critical movements from multiple camera angles so you truly get the point he is making. By following his course modules step by step, replaying when needed, I feel quite comfortable using my lathe. For the exercises that accompany the lessons, he has you make six or more bowl blanks from very affordable wood from the local lumber yard. He has you repeat each exercise on each of the bowl blanks until you master that step. I see noticeable improvement from bowl to bowl as I repeat the step. By the time I am on my last bowl blank, mine are reliably looking just like Kent’s in the videos. And I no longer get catches with the gouge and the wood surface is smooth, requiring little sanding. Many, if not most, of the tools I have bought for my lathe cost more than this course. So for the price of 1 tool I feel I have learned the correct technique and gained invaluable skill. I highly recommend this course and look forward to taking Kent’s other courses.