This entire website is dedicated to your journey of exploring wood bowl turning, not only as a beginner but later when you’re ready for more advanced concepts of wood bowl making.
Yes, this rabbit hole is deep and vast, but don’t worry I’m here to guide you on your journey, every step of the way.
You may be asking some basic questions about wood bowl turning at this point, and that is fantastic. It is that type of curiosity and exploration that will help you become a great bowl turner.

I don’t know if you’ve discovered this for yourself yet, or not, but turning wood bowls is a complex art form. Yes, it’s relatively simple to explain the steps needed to create a wood bowl. However, thoroughly understanding and mastering the nuances of each step, well, that can take a lifetime.
The learning never stops. Each bowl teaches us something new.
It wasn’t until after I had made a few hundred bowls that I realized I was blessed to have found a great turning group. Being able to learn under the helpful and compassionate eyes of so many other turners helped me learn at an unusual pace. Read my About section if you want to know more about my story.
The amount of information I have learned from my peers combined with reading and attending workshops and symposiums makes me so excited.
I’m excited about turning wood bowls and I want to share my excitement and knowledge with you!
Along your journey of learning and mastering the art of making wood bowls, you will encounter pitfalls. Some of these pitfalls might make you want to put down your tools and quit.
Don’t quit!
Persistence is the critical ingredient in getting good at turning wood bowls!
I will help you along your journey, every step of the way.
And here’s a little secret.
If you ask me a question in the comment field at the bottom of any article, I will answer you directly as soon as possible.
Let’s start out with some questions you might be having right now. Each of these questions is linked to an article that explores the answers in further detail.
What are the steps for making a wood bowl?
What are all the names of the parts on my lathe?
What is the best angle for the bevel on my bowl gouge?
What safety equipment do I need?
What tools do I need to start with?
How can I be safe at the lathe and prevent an accident?
Can I make my own bowl blanks?
How do I attach a wood bowl blank to the lathe?
What is a bowl tenon and how do I make a tenon?
Someone said I need to turn “with the grain.” What is this?
Can I make a bowl without a four jaw chuck?
Cracks formed on my bowl blank, what can I do?
What do I need to know about a four jaw chuck?
How to I make cuts with a bowl gouge?
How do I get the tenon off the bowl when I’m finished?
I’ve heard the term “riding the bevel,” what does that mean?
Where can I get wood for bowl making?
Is the a easy way to sand my bowls?
Do you recommend a finish that is food safe?
I’m getting catches and I want them to stop! How?
How do I make an ideal mortise?
Should I use a mortise instead of a tenon?
How do I sharpen my bowl gouges?
What is the best way to process newly cut wood?
How can I cut bowl blanks on a bandsaw?
Do I need more light at my lathe?
What’s the different between a bowl and a spindle gouge?
What do I need to know about the faceplate?
Do you have any tips for maintaining my lathe?
Do I need a round nose scraper and why?
What’s the best way to sign my bowls?
OK, I hope this list doesn’t seem too overwhelming. Please remember to pace yourself and learn what you need when you need it.
If you’d like to see all the steps it takes to make a wood bowl, please sure to see this detailed article.
There are plenty of additional, more advanced articles besides these waiting to guide you as your skills and techniques grow.
Take your time and make the process of creating bowls just as much fun as the end result. When you enjoy the whole process, everything flows and becomes much easier.
Welcome to the world of wood bowl turning and remember I’m here for you along your entire journey!
I want to help you make the beautiful bowls you are envisioning!
Hi! I’m Kent, a husband, dad, papa, graphic designer, photographer, artist, traveler, birder, dark chocolate lover and I’m addicted to turning wood bowls! Learn more about me, see the online courses I made for you, and join our group on Facebook. Ready for your wood bowl adventure? Click here to Get Started
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