Live Edge Bowl – 10 Secrets For Turning Success

Live Edge Bowl Wood Techniques Steps

Live edge bowl turning is especially fun, exciting and the end results can be visually stunning. Of all the bowls I’ve turned, nothing gets the same excited and positive response like natural edge bowls.

Making a natural or live edge bowl is like displaying an elegant cross-section of a beautiful tree for all to see.

I started thinking about the difference between turning a traditional bowl versus a natural edge bowl and there are many things to consider.

Turning a natural edge bowl can be tricky and challenging at first. There are many secrets that make live edge bowl turning easier, more efficient, and much safer.

In this article, I will share a few of the more crucial live edge bowl turning tips I’ve discovered.

Live Edge Bowl – What Is It

A live edge bowl, also sometimes called a natural edge bowl, is a bowl that uses the natural contour of the bark side of a log as the top rim edge of the bowl.

I have heard people say the difference between a live edge bowl and a natural edge bowl is the bark. A live edge bowl has bark, while a natural edge bowl does not have bark. But, I’ve also heard both terms used interchangeably as well.

At first, looking at the rim of a live edge bowl, it can be confusing determining how the edge was formed.

But looking closer at the shape of a log and orienting the bowl within that shape, it becomes more apparent where the live edge bowl originates.

Thrill of Understanding

I must admit that I too, like so many others didn’t quite grasp where the unusual up and down curvy rim shape originated on a live edge bowl.

After taking a log that was cut in half length-wise and spending some time with it, I finally put two and two together.

After you’ve made a few natural edge bowls and share them with others, you too will probably hear a wide range of ideas about the unusual shape of a natural edge bowl.

My favorite thought about the live edge bowl is when people believe it is somehow steamed and bent into shape. Yes, I’ve been asked that question on many occasions.

Live Edge Bowl Location in Log

Live Edge Bowl Bootcamp

I have made countless live edge bowls, and I’ve helped teach others how to turn live edge bowls for some time now.

Through the process of live edge bowl turning, I have experienced all types of different situations and have had to learn or develop solutions to deal with various issues.

Now, let me share with you what I think are 10 live edge bowl secrets that will make your experience turning a live edge bowl much easier and more successful.

1. Cold Cuts

Bark will hold to the rim better if it is harvested in winter. This isn’t always possible, but it is ideal.

The cambium layer under the bark is soft and active during the growth season. In the off-season, it is dryer and bonds tighter to the underlying wood layers.

Like so many other things in woodturning and woodworking, we need to always remember every species is different.

These differences can be night and day, especially when it comes to bark staying on a bowl’s rim. Some species of trees hold on much better than others.

2. Use More Of The Log

Unlike a traditional circle rimmed bowl, a live edge bowl can utilize more material from a log.

The traditional rimmed bowl is limited by the width of the log, while a live edge bowl is limited only by the length of the wood.

Turning air will be happening when we turn a live edge bowl, so the gap of wood material on the short side is no big deal.

We will turn down to the area at the base of the log with solid wood for the bottom of our live edge bowl.

Live Edge Bowl Width Compared to Traditional Bowl

3. Solid Anchor

Whether you use a faceplate, or an end-to-end drive center to initially start turning a live edge bowl, be sure to have a solid anchor contact point.

Carefully remove bark away from the area that will be facing the headstock. Work down to solid wood to have a firm grip on the turning natural edge bowl blank.

Never attach a spur chuck or faceplate to bark only. It is impossible to know if a reliable connection has been made to the underlying bowl blank with bark in the way.

Live Edge Bowl Center Bark Removed

4. Balance High Points

It’s a good idea to balance the high point on the opposite sides of the bowl. Visually it looks odd if one is just slightly higher than the other.

If, you’d like to have the two high points be different, make the difference more pronounced and deliberate, so it doesn’t look like a mistake.

Balancing the high points needs to happen when you make your initial lathe attachment point.

I usually use a faceplate to secure a live edge bowl to the lathe. When I clear an area with a Forstner bit or angle grinder, I create an angled flat surface that will position the bowl’s high points on the same plane.

Live Edge Bowl High Spots Level

5. Handle With Care

It goes without saying, that if we expect the bark to stay attached to the rim of the live edge bowl, then we need to be careful as we handle the bark.

Try not to bump or drop the natural edge bowl blank as this could dislodge the bark and cause damage.

I’ve found that most bark damage occurs when other logs are stacked on top of the natural edge logs. If you are cutting wood to be turned to natural edge bowls, set it aside and give it some T.L.C.

101 WoodBowl Turning Tips Display

6. Glue Bark If Needed

As you work, you may see areas of bark that seem loose or a gap has formed under them. These loose areas can be patched as needed.

Cyanoacrylate glue or CA can be used to glue the bark edge firmly to the live edge bowl.

Depending on the wood species and how it absorbs the CA, you might also want to prepare the area first to reduce CA staining.

Experiment by applying a small amount of CA to an area. Does the CA cause a lasting stain on the wood fibers? If so, try the following technique.

Before applying the CA to the bark base, spray a light coat of canned lacquer along the area that will be glued. Let the lacquer dry, then use the CA.

The lacquer coat creates a barrier that helps prevent the CA from staining the wood fibers.

If the bark is problematic, you may need to stop periodically and apply additional CA.

Live Edge Wood Bowl Glue Bark Edge

7. Push Cut Exterior Rim

This one tip I learned the hard way, and it took several times before I got it right.

If you create a textbook, base to rim, supported grain cut on the exterior of the live edge bowl blank, you might rip off the bark edge rim.

A supported cut is critical, most of the time, but this is an exception. If you’d like to better understand the importance of supported cuts read this article about supported cut angles which covers the details.

To help increase the chance the bark will stay on the rim of your live edge bowl, you will need to make an exterior push cut, against the supported grain, from the rim to the natural edge bowl bottom.

Sharpen your bowl gouge first and make small, clean, slow passes until you reach the area below the bark edge.

From the live edge bowl base to the edge just under the bark edge, I use a traditionally supported push cut from the bottom outward.

Carefully merge these two cuts together to form the outside live edge bowl shape. A shear scraping cut works well to blend the exterior merge. See this article next to learn all about the shear scrape cut.

Live Edge Bowl GougeCut Directions

8. Speed Up

Because of the winged sides of a live edge bowl, we will be cutting air most of the time.

To aid in making clean cutting passes, the lathe speed is critical. Ideally, we want the lathe speed up as fast as possible without creating vibration.

For safety, I usually stay under lathe speeds of 1,000 r.p.m. regardless of the bowl size.

A faster lathe speed reduces the “air time” between each cutting pass on the wings. This helps reduce the time any minute irregular movement in the bowl gouge can occur and makes a smoother cut.

Be sure to read this article all about lathe speeds.

9. Making Air Cuts

While turning the wings of a live edge bowl, like mentioned previously, we will be turning air. Turning air requires a very focused approach with the bowl gouge.

We can not depend on the wonderful bevel edge to support our cut as we progress down the walls of the live edge bowl. Instead, we must rely on fluid body motion and hand-eye control.

The bevel will still be lined up with and parallel to the cut surface, but the gaps in space, the air, will not allow us to depend on riding the bevel, detailed in this article.

Instead, we need to visualize the exact line we will be cutting and make our tool follow that path using hand-eye coordination.

The tool rest is the key to making clean cutting air cuts. Use the tool rest as a visual guide and anchor for the air cuts passes.

Watch the tool tip location and just slide it along the desired path in relation to the tool rest. Use firm downward pressure with your left hand to keep the bowl gouge on the tool rest.

Watch your bowl gouge cutting tip.

Does the bowl gouge tip start to wander away from the tool rest? Look for the visualized course and follow that path using the tool rest as your reference point.

You have passed the bark edge when the bowl gouge picks up a stable bevel contact cut path.

Extra Tip – Place a sheet of white or black paper on the bed rails or ways to help see the turning natural edge bowl wings.

Live Edge Rim Cutting Bowl Gouge

10. Work Rim Interior First

Once the exterior is complete, and the natural edge bowl is turned around for the interior work, attention needs to be paid to the top rim immediately.

If you typically clear out the center of a bowl interior first and work your way outward, it’s better to do the opposite with a live edge bowl.

Because we are so cautious to protect and maintain the bark’s attachment to the rim, it’s best to start right at that rim.

I make a 90° push cut right where I intend the rim to be first. This accomplished a couple things.

By making this cut first, I determine the wall thickness, and I can immediately tell if the bark is going to stay intact.

As I progress, I work down the interior wall first and then clear a “ditch” between the rim and the natural edge bowl’s center.

Live Edge Bowl Rim Ditch Initial Cut

It is imperative to leave a mass at the center as you proceed. The center bulk will help hold the natural edge bowl to a more stable shape and reduce the centrifugal effect of the wings expanding outward.

Without a center mass, the wings will flex and expand outward and vibrate making a clean cut impossible.

Work methodically by making a clean cut down a bit on the inside rim and then removing the center mass to that same level. Then repeat by working down the rim a bit more.

Once an area of the rim has been turned, and the center mass has been lower do not go back up to cut again on the upper rim.

You will only have to try a return up the wall a couple of times to realize it will be nearly impossible to create a smooth cut with the wings vibrating uncontrollably.

Live Edge Wood Bowl Cut Sequence
Live Edge Bowl Center Weight Support

Live Edge Bowl Experience

The live edge bowl is stunning to look at and also creates a great sense of accomplishment for any woodturner.

Hopefully, these tips and secrets I’ve shared will make your live edge bowl turning experience that much more successful and enjoyable.

Live Edge Bowl Wood Secrets turning success tips techniques

Please let me know your thoughts and what you do to make a live edge bowl successful for you, leave a comment below.

Here are some other articles to read next:

Happy Turning,

21 Responses

  1. Hi Kent, thank you for the article and your great videos. I have a midi lathe mounted on a heavy work bench with alot of added weight and i noticed it’s still vibrating alot when the blank is not very balanced. Does that mean i shoudn’t try a live edge? Does the lathe size is a limiting factor?
    Thank you,
    Yigal Levit

    1. Yigal,
      Vibration is going to happen on any lathe. The amount of off-balance and the lathe speed will make that vibration more or less.
      You should be able to turn a live edge if you’d like. Try turning the lathe speed down until you are not seeing the vibration. You may need to turn slower and that can be a bit time consuming, but you shouldn’t turn at speeds that cause excessive vibration.
      I hope that helps.
      Happy Turning!

  2. Kent; I have tried clearing out the interior of a natural edge bowl starting at the rim with some disastrous results. Lot of catches which often leads to the bowl being knocked of the chuck and it flying off the lathe. What am I doing wrong?

    1. David,
      Good question. There are a number of things that can happen. First, you need to be making passes that cut very lightly. Each pass also needs to be precise and controlled by your body motion. If you are pressing into the wood as a guide, you will have trouble. Instead, your pass needs to be made independent of the bowl. Make smooth light passes gliding along the tool rest, any wood the happens to come by is simply sliced off.
      Oh, and this is a big one, once you have turned the top edge and established the wall thickness, DO NOT return to the top rim with your gouge. The rim and the outer wings will be flexing and you will never make a smooth cut by returning to the top rim. Start at the top, establish the wall thickness, and work your way down to the bottom, without moving back upward.
      I hope that helps a bit.
      All the best to you and Happy Turning!

  3. Hi! Just in the process of turning a live edge bowl! All ok at the moment🤞my question is – how do I treat the bark to protect it from damage, or falling off?
    Many thanks


    1. Good question Phil. It depends. Some bark will just hold and stay put, other bark will fly immediately. If you have an in-between bark, you can turn the outside carefully then run a thin bead of super-thin CA along the base of the bark. Then turn the inside and repeat the CA on the inside. But there’s no guarantee. It’s all up to the tree and its condition. All the best to you and Happy Turning!

  4. Hi Kent, thanks for the great advice. I’ve done a number of live edge bowls and have a question about finishing. My go-to finish is Tried and True traditional (linseed oil and beeswax). After I apply the TTT it is time consuming to wipe it all off the bark especially if it is quite rough. I can never get it all off but the bowls end up looking fine so maybe this doesn’t matter. How do you finish the bark and do you have any tips to make it easier?

    1. Brian,
      I completely understand. This is why I use T&T Danish Oil on live edge piece. Same stuff, minus the beeswax and impossible removal from the bark.
      All the best to you and Happy Turning!

  5. Boil 10-inch one-inch-thick part turned green bowl in a plastic bag. On high, 15 -20 MINUTES. Do not open until cold. Turn to 3/4 thick, determine if more bag heat is needed. If not microwave w/o bag a few seconds to help dry. finish turning and finish.


    1. William,
      Thanks for sharing. Wow, very interesting process. I’ll have to give it a try. I don’t think I’m doing this one in the kitchen microwave. LOL All the best to you and Happy Turning!

  7. Thank you for this terrific article and your courses. They’ve been incredibly helpful and inspiring.

    I just turned my first live edge bowl and I’m pretty happy with the result. However, it was the first once-turned bowl I’ve done and some of the end grain fibers on the inside of the bowl are pretty shaggy and fibrous. It was a Tree of Heaven log that I grabbed off the side of the road, and I’ve never worked with that wood before. It may be a characteristic of that species, but I was wondering if there is any advice for dealing with fibrous wood when you’re once-turning.


    1. Andy,

      Good question. Of course, you want to make sure you are making “grain-supported” cuts (see the article) first of all. Then you can also use shellac to seal the end-grain fibers and strengthen them so they cut more cleanly.

      Happy Turning!

  8. Kent,

    Thanks for all the great turning videos. I’ve learned more in the last 4 months watching your videos than the previous 30 years. I tried a live edge green bowl the other day, my first, and had a question. I formed the outside flipped it around and started on the inside, but noticed after a few cuts from the rim, the bark width wasn’t even. I had two opposite sides at about 1/4″ and the other two sides were about 1″. Any suggestions?

    1. Kevin,

      Without seeing the photo, it sounds like you just haven’t descended deep enough into the interior and the bottom of the bowl might be thicker than the side walls. If the walls are an even thickness all the way across the bottom, you should see more balanced sides.

      Happy Turning!

  9. Hi Kent,
    Helpful information…have done about 30 live edge, from bradford pear and cherry.I have yet to start the exterior on the outer edge. Have had some luck keeping the bark using a parting tool.
    I am trying to envision how to hold the bowl gouge correctly, and also, I have usually gone from the base to the outer rim.
    Have often used the microwave, if not double turned.
    What is your experience re. cracking, when turned wet?
    And can you wet sand with satisfaction?

    Wesley Mast

    1. Hello Wesley, yes sanding the wet wood is fine. I use regular sandpaper and have great results. I may try to wet sand some soon. If the wall thickness is even, you should not have cracking. Happy Turning!

    1. Jim,

      You are more than welcome. Happy to be of help to you!

      Happy Turning,

  10. Hi Kent, thanks for all of the insight. Are your live edge bowls typically once or twice turned? Any tips on how you make your legged bowls?

    1. Hello Mark,

      My live edge bowls are usually turned just once. I find that the shape and attention to the edge make it almost impossible to detect the wood movement as a natural edge bowl drys. Unlike a regular circular, round-rimmed bowl, a natural edge bowl is really hard to determine what it was “supposed” to look like.

      Thanks for the question.

      Happy Turning,

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Hi! I’m Kent, a husband, dad, papa, graphic designer, photographer, artist, traveler, birder, dark chocolate lover and I’m addicted to turning wood bowls! Learn more about me, see the online courses I made for you, and join our group on Facebook. Ready for your wood bowl adventure? Click here to Get Started

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